Media Coverage
A new, frightening statistic from John Hopkins researchers says medical mistakes are the third-leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer. Dr. Larry Schlachter has written a book – Malpractice: A Neurosurgeon Reveals How Our Health Care System Puts Patients at Risk
Dr. Lawrence Schlachter explains how medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
A trip to the ER is nothing new to most parents in America, but the reality is that the doctors treating your loved ones aren't generally specialists, and the ER doctors' decisions could be life changing, or even deadly.
Bryan Crabtree discuss how medical malpractice kills 250,000 patients each year with Larry Schlachter.
This week the Senate will likely vote on the nomination of U.S. Rep. Tom Price (R.-Ga.) to serve as President Donald J. Trump's secretary of Health and Human Services. Before deciding, however, senators should ask him this question.
Joe Bartlett & Dr. Lawrence Schlachter discuss patient safety on WOR-710
Dr. Larry Schlachter discusses patient safety on the Kathryn Zox Show.
An alarming new study says that most doctors would try to obscure their role in medical errors, and most wouldn't even apologize.
Larry Schlachter, A surgeon turned lawyer weighs in on why 2% of physicians are involved in half of malpractice settlements.